Nissan Maxima QX

since 1993 release

Repair and operation of the car

Nissan Maxima QX
+ Cars of the Nissan Maxima brand
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   General information
   Removal, check of a state and installation of rack-mount assemblies of a forward suspension bracket
   Replacement of the shock-absorber / screw spring of rack-mount assembly
   Removal and installation of assembly of a rotary fist with a nave
   Removal and installation of assembly of a forward nave with the wheel bearing
   Removal and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross stability
   Removal and installation of a control lever of a forward suspension bracket
   Replacement of spherical support
   Removal, check of a state and installation of racks of a back suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of assembly of a back nave with the wheel bearing
   Removal and installation of a bar of the back stabilizer of cross stability (models 1993 and 1994 of of the issue)
   Removal and installation of levers of a back suspension bracket (models 1993 and 1994 of of the issue)
   Removal and installation of components of a back suspension bracket of models since 1995 of the issue.
   Removal and installation of a steering wheel
   Removal and installation of tips of steering drafts
   Replacement of protective covers of assembly of the steering mechanism
   Removal, dismantle and installation of rack transfer
   Removal and installation of the steering pump
   Removal of air from a hydraulic path of system of strengthening of a wheel
   Replacement of wheel hairpins
   Wheels and tires - the general information
   Angles of installation of wheels
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Removal, dismantle and installation of rack transfer

 The models of cars considered in the present manual are equipped with system of additional safety (SRS). Before starting performance of any works near the block of a safety cushion, a steering column or the dashboard, disconnect SRS in order to avoid getting injured at its casual operation (see the Head Onboard electric equipment). It is easy to distinguish an electrical wiring of a chain of SRS on yellow color of isolation. In order to avoid damage of the SRS system, Track that the steering shaft was not turned after removal of a steering wheel. Block a column the ignition key at the rectilinear provision of forward wheels.

Design of rack transfer of the steering drive

1 — the Back cover
2 — the Lock nut
3 — the Adjusting screw
4 — Pruzhina
5 — the Plate of a spring
6 — the Washer
7 — Sealing rings of a gear wheel
8 — the Entrance gear wheel of the steering mechanism
9 — the Sealing ring
10 — Sealing laying
11 — a gear wheel Epiploon
12 — Hydraulic lines (20 ÷ 26 Nanometers)
13 — the Sealing ring
14 — the Central plug

15 — the Sealing cuff
16 — the Clamp
17 — the Case of a rack preedacha
18 — the Sealing cuff
19 — the Face cover (59 ÷ 74 Nanometers)
20 — the Sealing ring
21 — the Lath
22 — the Bar of steering draft
23 — the Protective cover
24 — the Wire bandage
25 — the Lock washer
26 — the Forelock
27 — the Lock-nut of a tip of steering draft (78 ÷ 98 Nanometers)
28 — Koronchataya a nut of a spherical finger of a tip of steering draft (29 ÷ 39 Nanometers)



1. Details of installation of the steering mechanism are presented on an illustration.

2. Park the car with the forward wheels developed in rectilinear situation. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. On the models equipped with safety cushions disconnect also positive wire and before starting implementation of the procedure wait not less than 10 minutes.
3. Remove the air cleaner with an inlet air duct (see the Head of the Power supply system and release). Remove a coal adsorber with the basic arm (see the Head of the Control system of the engine).
4. Give fixing nuts and remove a protective cover of the cardan hinge from a partition of a motive compartment. Mark position of the cardan hinge of rather entrance shaft of rack transfer, then turn out a coupling bolt of fastening of the lower intermediate shaft.

 Do not allow turning of a steering wheel by the removed rack transfer on the models equipped with safety cushions. In case of need remove a steering wheel and execute centering of spring contact (see the Section Removal and installation of a steering wheel). For a guarantee record a steering wheel not movably by means of a seat belt.

5. Get drain capacity under a case of rack transfer. Disconnect pressure head and returnable hydraulic lines from a case of the steering mechanism. At once to a zakuporta the open ends of lines in order to avoid hit in system of dirt and for the purpose of minimization of losses of hydraulic liquid.

6. Weaken wheel nuts, a front of the car and establish to a poddomkratta it on props. Cock the parking brake and remove wheels. At the corresponding complete set of the car remove protection of a case.
7. Release tips of steering drafts from levers of rotary fists (see the Section Removal and installation of tips of steering drafts).
8. Remove a bar of the stabilizer of cross stability (see the Section Removal and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross stability).
9. Remove the central cross beam passing under the power unit (see the Head Dvigatel).
10. Give nuts of bolts of fastening of the steering mechanism. Separate an intermediate shaft of a steering column from an entrance shaft of rack transfer. Take assembly of the steering mechanism from under the car.

11. Check a condition of landing plugs of support of assembly of rack transfer. In case of identification of signs of destruction of rubber replace plugs.



1. The design of a rack preedacha is presented on an illustration.

2. Before starting dismantling of rack transfer measure effort of tightening of a gear wheel and write down result of measurement as the recommended value. Before measurement disconnect the hydraulic line and merge working liquid from a case. Do not clamp the case made of aluminum alloy in a vice.

3. Take a gear wheel, - try not to damage sealing rings.
4. Release a bandage and remove a protective cover.

5. Disconnect a bar of steering draft from a lath.

6. Release a clamp and take assembly of the leading gear wheel.

7. Drill fastening at an end face of a case of the steering mechanism (use a drill on 2 mm).

8. Remove a face cover of a case of rack transfer.

9. Take a steering rack and remove from it a sealing ring, - use the hair dryer, having warmed up a ring up to the temperature about 40 °C.

10. Remove the central plug and sealing laying of a steering rack, - try not to damage the internal surface of the case of a gear wheel.



1. Before installation on a lath warm a new teflon sealing ring the hair dryer up to the temperature of 40 °C. For landing of a ring use the special tool.

2. Establish a sealing cuff of a lath. To prevent risk of damage of a cuff about teeths of a lath pass in it the polymeric film twisted in a tube.

3. After installation of a cuff take from under it a polymeric film. Make sure of correctness of landing of a cuff. Put the central plug and a cuff.

4. Tighten a face cover with the required effort and fix it by a lock nut.

5. Give rack transfer to neutral situation.

6. Grease an edge of an epiploon with the universal lubricant conducting assembly gear wheels, then press an epiploon by means of a suitable mandrel. Track that the ledge of an epiploon was from the face.

7. Install the gear wheel bearing.

8. Do not forget to replace sealing laying new with the same number.

9. Put on a gear wheel new ring a sealant. Before landing warm up a ring the hair dryer up to the temperature of 40 °C. Track that the ring correctly was placed in a valve flute.

10. Before installation of a gear wheel grease with universal lubricant the sharovy hinge and a ledge of an epiploon.

11. Put assembly of a gear wheel in a case of the steering mechanism. Try not to damage an epiploon.

12. Before installation of a back casing grease with universal lubricant a back epiploon.

13. Establish a back cover according to the instructions given on an illustration, - try not to damage a ring of a worm and an epiploon.

14. Working in strictly certain order), establish a spring washer, a spring of a diaphragm and a clamp.

15. Track that the spring of a diaphragm was established by the convex party painted in white color outside.

16. Establish a clamp of a spring and the adjusting screw. Establish a new lock washer. Attach a lock washer (2) from the inside of a seat of a core (1). For blocking to a female thread (1) use sealant. Screw up a nest to a lath (4), tighten it with the required effort.

17. Bend tags of a lock washer.
18. Connect steering drafts and establish protective covers.



 Before installation make sure that rack transfer is exposed in the average situation corresponding to the rectilinear provision of forward wheels of the car.

1. Start assembly of the steering mechanism on the regular place and connect to it the cardan hinge of a steering shaft (track correctness of combination of landing tags).

2. Establish fixing collars, screw bolts and tighten them with the required effort. Install the filter on assembly of the right support of the mechanism.

3. Establish the central cross beam (see the Head Dvigatel).
4. Establish a bar of the stabilizer of cross stability (see the Section Removal and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross stability).
5. Connect tips of steering thirsts for levers of rotary fists (see the Section Removal and installation of tips of steering drafts).
6. Install components of protection of a case.
7. Establish wheels, lower the car on the earth and tighten wheel nuts with the required effort (see the Head Nastroyki and routine maintenance).
8. Screw a coupling bolt of the cardan hinge and tighten it with the required effort. Establish a protective cover of the hinge.
9. Connect pressure head and returnable hydraulic lines to a case of rack transfer. Add in the tank of the steering pump necessary amount of hydraulic liquid of the required grade (see the Head Nastroyki and routine maintenance).
10. Establish into place a coal adsorber and assembly of the air cleaner with an inlet air duct.
11. "Pump over" steering system (see the Section Removal of Air from a hydraulic path of system of strengthening of a wheel).