Nissan Maxima QX

since 1993 release

Repair and operation of the car

Nissan Maxima QX
+ Cars of the Nissan Maxima brand
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
- Control systems of the engine
   General information
   System of onboard diagnostics (OBD) - the principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions
   Removal and RSM installation
   Check of serviceability of a state, replacement and adjustment of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve (TPS)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of measurement of mass of an air stream (MAF)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of absolute pressure in the pipeline (MAR)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air (IAT)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid of the engine (EST)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of provision of a bent shaft (ICR)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of position of the camshaft (SMR)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor switch of pressure in system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (PSP)
   Check of a state and replacement of the oxygen sensor (l-probe)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of a detonation
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of fuel of speed of the movement of the car (VSS)
   Check of a state and replacement of the sensor of speed of the movement of the car (VSS)
   Check of a state and replacement of components of system of stabilization of turns of idling
   Control system of functioning of the power valve
   System of the operated ventilation of a case (PCV)
   System of recirculation of the fulfilled gases (EGR) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components
   System of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components
   The catalytic converter - the general information, check of a state and replacement
+ Transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Control systems of the engine


List of codes of malfunctions of system of self-diagnostics OBD-I (models 1993 and 1994 of of the issue)

Number of a code Possible cause of failure
Code 11 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of position of the camshaft
Code 12 Malfunction in a MAF sensor chain
Code 13 Malfunction in the eats sensor chain
Code 14 Malfunction in VSS chain
Code 21 Malfunction in an ignition signal chain
Code 31 Violation of serviceability of functioning of RSM
Code 32 Malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of management of EGR
Code 33 Malfunction in a chain of the oxygen sensor
Code 34 Malfunction in a detonation sensor chain
Code 35 Malfunction in a chain of the temperature EGR sensor
Code 43 Malfunction in TPS chain
Code 45 Leaks in injection injectors
Code 51 Malfunction in цеп a fuel injection signal
Code 55 Lack of codes of malfunctions in memory of system

The list of codes of malfunctions of system of self-diagnostics OBD-II (models since 1995 of the issue)

The code which is read out on the scanner
The code which is read out on a control lamp
"Check the engine"
Possible cause of failure
P0000 0505 Lack of codes of malfunctions in memory of system
P0100 0102 Malfunction in a MAF sensor chain
P0105 0803 Malfunctions in the MAR sensor chain
P0110 0401 Malfunctions in an IAT sensor chain
P0115 0103 Malfunctions in the eats sensor chain
P0120 0403 Malfunctions in TPS chain
P0125 0908 Malfunctions in the eats sensor chain
P0130 0307 Impossibility of transition to the mode of the closed contour
(right number of cylinders)
P0130 0503 Malfunction in a chain of verkhnepotochny oxygen
sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0131 0411 Violation of serviceability of functioning of monitoring of impoverishment
mixes of the verkhnepotochny oxygen sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0132 0410 Violation of serviceability of monitoring of enrichment of mix of verkhnepotochny
oxygen sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0133 0409 Malfunction of the slowed-down reaction verkhnepotochny
oxygen sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0134 0412 VV malfunction of the verkhnepotochny oxygen sensor
(right number of cylinders)
P0135 0901 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the heater verkhnepotochny
oxygen sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0136 0707 Malfunction in a chain of the nizhnepotochny oxygen sensor
P0137 0511 Violation of monitoring of the minimum tension nizhnepotochny
oxygen sensor
P0138 0510 Violation of monitoring of the maximum tension nizhnepotochny
oxygen sensor
P0139 0707 Malfunction of the slowed-down reaction of nizhnepotochny oxygen
sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0140 0512 VV malfunction of the nizhnepotochny oxygen sensor
(right number of cylinders)
P0141 0902 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the heater
nizhnepotochny oxygen sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0150 0303 Malfunction in a chain of the verkhnepotochny oxygen sensor
(left number of cylinders)
P0150 0308 Impossibility of transition to the mode of the closed contour (the left number of cylinders)
P0151 0415 Violation of serviceability of functioning of monitoring of impoverishment
mixes of the verkhnepotochny oxygen sensor (left number of cylinders)
P0152 0414 Violation of serviceability of monitoring of enrichment of mix of verkhnepotochny
oxygen sensor (left number of cylinders)
P0153 0413 Malfunction of the slowed-down reaction verkhnepotochny
oxygen sensor (left number of cylinders)
P0154 0509 VV malfunction of the verkhnepotochny oxygen sensor
(left number of cylinders)
P0155 0101 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the heater verkhnepotochny
oxygen sensor (left number of cylinders)
P0157 0314 Violation of monitoring of the minimum tension nizhnepotochny
oxygen sensor
P0158 0313 Violation of monitoring of the maximum tension nizhnepotochny
oxygen sensor
P0159 0708 Malfunction of the slowed-down reaction of nizhnepotochny oxygen
sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0160 0315 VV malfunction of the nizhnepotochny oxygen sensor
(right number of cylinders)
P0161 1002 Violation of serviceability of functioning of the heater nizhnepotochny
oxygen sensor (right number of cylinders)
P0170 0706 The regrown poor or reenriched injection (the right number of cylinders)
P0171 0115 The regrown poor injection (the right number of cylinders)
0114 The reenriched injection (the right number of cylinders)
P0173 0806 The regrown poor or reenriched injection (the left number of cylinders)
P0174 0210 The regrown poor injection (the left number of cylinders)
P0175 0209 The reenriched injection (the left number of cylinders)
P0180 0402 Malfunction in temperature sensor chain in the fuel tank
P0300 0701 Admissions of ignition in several cylinders
P0301 0608 Admissions of ignition in the first cylinder
P0302 0607 Admissions of ignition in the second cylinder
P0303 0606 Admissions of ignition in the third cylinder
P0304 0605 Admissions of ignition in the fourth cylinder
P0305 0604 Admissions of ignition in the fifth cylinder
P0306 0603 Admissions of ignition in the sixth cylinder
P0325 0304 Malfunction in a detonation sensor chain
P0335 0802 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of provision of a bent shaft (POS)
P0340 0101 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of position of the camshaft
P0400 0302 Excessiveness or insufficiency of intensity of recirculation
the fulfilled gases
P0402 0306 Malfunction in EGR counter-pressure sensor chain
P0403 0515 Malfunction in an EGR valve chain
P0420 0702 Violation of serviceability of functioning catalytic
converter (right number of cylinders)
P0430 0703 Violation of serviceability of functioning catalytic
converter (left number of cylinders)
0440 0705 Leaks in the EVAP system
P0443 0807 Malfunction in a chain of the valve of management of a purge of coal
EVAP adsorber
P0443 1008 Malfunction in a chain of the valve of management of a purge of coal
EVAP adsorber
P0446 0903 Malfunction in a chain of the valve of management of ventilation of coal
EVAP adsorber
P0450 0704 Malfunction in EVAP pressure sensor chain
P0500 0104 Malfunction in VSS chain
P0505 0205 Malfunction in an IAC sensor chain
P0510 0203 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch of closing of throttle
P0600 0504 Malfunction in a chain of the AT control unit
P0605 0301 Malfunction in RSM chain
P0705 1003 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch of permission of start
P0705 1101 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch of permission of start
P0710 1208 Malfunction in VSS chain
1102 Malfunction in a transmission temperature sensor chain
P0725 1207 Violation of serviceability of development of a signal of turns of the engine
P0731 1103 Violation of serviceability of development of a signal of inclusion of the 1st transfer
P0732 1104 Violation of serviceability of development of a signal of inclusion of the 2nd transfer
P0733 1105 Violation of serviceability of development of a signal of inclusion of the 3rd transfer
P0734 1106 Violation of serviceability of development of a signal of inclusion of the 4th transfer
P0740 1204 Malfunction in TSS electromagnet chain
P0744 1107 Malfunction in a chain of the TCC AT electromagnetic valve
P0745 1205 Malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of pressure in a path
P0750 1108   Malfunction in a chain of an electromagnet And gear shifting
P0755 1201 Malfunction in an electromagnet chain In gear shiftings
P1105 1302 Malfunction in the MAR sensor chain
P1148 0307 Impossibility of transition to the mode of the closed contour (the right row
P1168 0308 Impossibility of transition to the mode of the closed contour
(left number of cylinders)
P1220 1305 Malfunction in a chain of the module of management of functioning
fuel pump
P1320 0201 Malfunction in a chain of primary contour of ignition
P1335 0407 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of provision of a bent shaft (REF)
P1336 0905 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor of provision of a bent shaft (POS)
P1400 1005 Malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic EGR valve
P1401 0305 Malfunction in EGR temperature sensor chain
P1402 0514 Excessive intensity of recirculation of the fulfilled gases
P1440 0213 Insignificant leaks in the EVAP system
P1441 0801 Malfunction in a chain of the perepuskny locking vacuum valve
P1444 0214 Malfunction in a chain of the valve of management of a purge of coal
EVAP adsorber
P1445 1008 Malfunction in a chain of the valve of management of a purge of a coal adsorber
P1446 0215 The valve of management of ventilation of a coal adsorber of EVAP is jammed
in a closed position
P1447 0111 Violation of serviceability of monitoring of intensity of a purge
coal adsorber of EVAP
P1448 0309 The valve of management of ventilation of a coal adsorber of EVAP is jammed
in open situation
P1490 0801 Malfunction in a chain of the perepuskny locking vacuum valve
P1491 0311 Malfunction in a chain of the perepuskny locking vacuum valve
P1492 0807 Malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of management
functioning of the valve of a purge of a coal adsorber of EVAP
P1493 0312 Malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of management funktsioni-
rovaniye of the valve of a purge of a coal adsorber of EVAP
P1605 0804 Malfunction in a chain of the AT control unit
P1705 1206 Malfunction of development of a signal of AT TPS
P1706 1003 Malfunction in a chain of the sensor switch of permission of start
P1760 1203 Malfunction in a chain of the electromagnetic valve of the obgonny coupling
P1900 0208 Malfunction in a chain of fans of the cooling system
P1900 1308 Malfunction in a chain of fans of the cooling system

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