Nissan Maxima QX

since 1993 release

Repair and operation of the car

Nissan Maxima QX
+ Cars of the Nissan Maxima brand
+ Maintenance instruction
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Control systems of the engine
+ Transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
- Onboard electric equipment
   General information and precautionary measures
   Search of causes of failures of electric equipment
   Safety locks and fusible inserts - the general information
   Chain breakers - the general information
   The relay - the general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the breaker of indexes of turns / alarm system
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of understeering switches
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the switch of ignition and lock of blocking of a steering column
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of switches of the dashboard
   Check of serviceability of functioning of measuring instruments of temperature of the engine and fuel consumption
   Removal and installation of a combination of devices
   Removal and installation of the radio receiver and loudspeakers
   Removal and installation of the antenna of the radio receiver
   Replacement of lamps of head headlights
   Adjustment of the direction of optical axes of head headlights
   Removal and installation of block headlights
   Replacement of lamps
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of an electric motor of the drive of screen wipers
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of horns of a horn
   Running fires of daylight (DRL)
   Check of serviceability of functioning and recovery repair of a heater of back glass
   Control system of speed (темпостат) - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   The electric drive of window regulators - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   The uniform lock - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   The electric drive of external rear-view mirrors - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   The electric drive of the top hatch - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   The electric drive of front seats - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   Transfer of management of functioning of onboard consumers of the electric power on dial-up lines
   Safety cushions - the general information
   + Schemes of electric connections

The uniform lock - general information and check of serviceability of functioning

Operation of individual activators of locks of each of car doors is the basis for functioning of system. The system consists of switches of management, door activators and a connecting electrical wiring. Failure diagnostics of system is limited to checks of a condition of contact connections of an electric chain and serviceability of operation of door activators. Performance of deeper checks should be charged to specialists of car service.

Functioning of the uniform lock happens due to operation of the bidirectional electromagnets located in the doorway of the car. The switch of management has two provisions: It is LOCKED and is OPENED. When squeezing the switch provides giving of food on the relay of control of activators of door locks therefore there is the corresponding switching of the last. Depending on a starting position of the relay gives tension of the corresponding polarity on electromagnets of activators.

On some models the system of the uniform lock is equipped with the remote control and is combined with anticreeping system. Functioning of such system is controlled by the special electronic module of management. If it is not possible to establish a system cause of failure during the checks described below, address for consultations specialists of company car repair shops of the Nissan company.

First of all always check a condition of the protection of a contour provided with a combination of safety locks and breakers of a chain.

Popereklyuchayte switches of management in both directions at the killed engine. Listen to the clicks accompanying operation of electromagnets of door activators.

In the absence of clicks check serviceability of giving of tension for switches. If giving of food is broken, check a condition of an electrical wiring on the site of a chain between the corresponding switch and the assembly block of safety locks.

If food moves regularly, check serviceability of a condition of the switch (conductivity distribution). Replace faulty components.

If the switch is serviceable, however clicks of the relay are not heard, check a condition of an electrical wiring between the corresponding switch and the relay. Make necessary recovery repair.

If the relay is powered regularly, however does not give food on the door activator, check serviceability of grounding of its case. If grounding as it should be, replace the relay.

At refusal of only one of activators remove the panel of an internal upholstery from the corresponding door of the car (see the Head Kuzov) and check serviceability of giving of tension for an executive electromagnet, switching the switch of management. One of wires has to be powered in one of provisions of the switch, the second - in another.

At correct giving of tension replace an electromagnet.

If violation of giving of food takes place, check for break and short circuit an electrical wiring on the site of a chain between an electromagnet and the relay.

 Most often wire breakage happens on the site between a door and the body panel.